We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!


Volunteering to be part of a committee gives you the opportunity to connect with members outside of our events and use your leadership skills, creativity, or industry knowledge in a valuable way that keeps our chapter current and membership growing year after year. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our chapter! 


Membership Committee

  • Responsibilities
    • This committee retains and develops new members.
  • Activities/Tasks
    • The committee identifies prospective members and includes them in our database of potential members. The committee obtains names and addresses of guests at meetings and contacts them via email/telephone to invite them to join future events. In addition, the committee identifies companies currently not involved in the organization and contacts them through written correspondence or via telephone to inform them of the benefits of CFMA and to welcome them to upcoming events. Coordinates with Chapter Administrator to ensure that membership database is up to date.
    • The committee promotes CFMA at local industry events such as trade shows and meetings with other industry organizations. At these events, when possible, CFMA provides written materials regarding its programs and benefits. In addition, when possible, representatives from our local chapter will participate in these events, promoting CFMA through presentations and direct communication with potential members and others in the industry. 
    • Once a year, the membership committee holds a retention campaign in which we contact members who have not renewed their membership to remind them to do so. During this campaign, we also reach out to prospective members. 
    • The committee contacts new members and welcomes them into the organization. In addition, the committee invites new members to upcoming events and facilitates interaction with other current members.
  • For more information, contact Ken MacGregor at kmacgregor@gilmorecc.com

Programming Committee

  • Responsibilities
    • This committee meets as needed to develop the programming for the next program year. 
  • Activities/Tasks
    • Meet in March to brainstorm and narrow topics for at least six monthly programs. Work with other committees to prevent event conflicts, incorporate additional marketing per Board of Director's e.g., PowerPoint presentations, CFMA Awareness Month, etc.
    • Secure volunteer lead for each program who will arrange for speaker(s) and narrow down program content. 
    • Post events on Chapter website calendar and announce the next event at the prior month’s program.
    • Select venue (s) for Chapter events and coordinate all logistics.
    • Responsible for advertising CPE credits, producing certificates, and ensuring documentation requirements are met.
  • For more information, contact Tony Lajimodiere at tlajimodiere@mpconstruct.com

Rocky Mountain CFMA Regional Conference Committee

  • Responsibilities
    • This committee organizes and promotes our Rocky Mountain Regional Conference each year
  • Activities/Tasks
    • Plan the event in its entirety
    • Promote conference throughout the year at monthly meetings
    • Fill sponsorship and exhibit opportunities for the event
    • Help plan the golf outing
    • Find volunteers for the event
  • For more information, contact Wes Butorac at wjb@surescapeins.com

Golf Committee

  • Responsibilities
    • This committee organizes and promotes our Rocky Mountain Regional Conference each year
  • Activities/Tasks
    • Set the date for the golf event, choose a location, and secure contract
    • Generate support to meet scholarship budget
    • Find sponsors for the golf event
    • Handle registration for the event
    • Organize course contests/prizes
    • Find volunteers needed for the event
  • For more information, contact Greg Hottman at Gregory.Hottman@umb.com

Scholarship Committee

  • Responsibilities
    • This committee strives to provide financial assistance to individuals looking to pursue or advance their careers in the areas of construction and finance. It is the desire of the chapter to use its resources to demonstrate support of their membership and to attract and retain individuals in the industry. Scholarships are offered yearly, and qualified applicants may apply repeatedly throughout the course of their study.
  • Activities/Tasks
    • Sets dates for application submission, promotes the opportunity at monthly meetings and special events, and reviews applications
    • Presents certificates and checks at monthly meetings
  • For more information, contact Sylvia Sevier at SylviaSevier@haselden.com

Sponsorship Committee

  • Responsibilities
    • Responsible for recruiting sponsors
  • Activities/Tasks
    • Determines all sponsorship opportunities
    • Promotes sponsorship opportunities at monthly meetings and special events
    • Responsible for meeting sponsorship budget income
    • Responsible for creating all marketing material to promote sponsorships and ensuring the sponsors receive an adequate amount of exposure
  • For more information, contact Greg Hottman at Gregory.Hottman@umb.com